Adhesion Promoter

Adhesion Promoter

It is an additive put into the paint to increase adhesion, in the cases where the adhesion of the paint/varnish film is not good enough. It is in solution form and it is recommended to add a maximum of 5%.

Product Features

  • Product Name
  • Product Description
  • TDS
  • SDS
  • Density, 20°C gr/cm3
  • Areas of usage
  • Storage Conditions
  • Package Type
  • AP.401
  • Adhesion Promoter
  • 0,807± 0,03
  • It is an additive put into the paint to increase the adhesion in cases where the adhesion of the paint/varnish film is not good. It is in solution form and it is recommended to add a maximum of 5%.
  • It should be stored in closed packages, in a dry clean, cool environment that will not be exposed to direct sunlight. In its original packaging, the stock period is 1 year.
  • 5 kg